Tuesday 25 October 2011

Agnes Water/1770

Had a really good time at Agnes Water! It's a really small place but I managed to fill up my two days there!
I arrived at about 6pm on 15th October and checked into a hostel called Cool Bananas. And it was really cool! Very chilled out and the owner was really nice too, and maybe a little bit crazy!!
The first thing I did when I got there was book my Scooterroo tour for the next day, as its something that has been recommended to me by lots of people! So I booked to be picked up from the hostel at 1pm the next day! The hostel also had meal offers each night for $6, so because the supermarket was closed I took advantage of this offer and had a yummy beef stew for tea! One of the girls in my dorm joined me and we went out and got some cider from the bottleshop! Greg the crazy owner of Cool Bananas said that if we gave him our bottles of cider he'd replace them with cold ones from the fridge at the hostel bar! So that was pretty nice of him considering that if we'd bought the cider from the bar it would have been way more expensive!

The following morning I decided to get my washing done as my clothes from Fraser Island were all sandy! Then after lunch I went on the Scooterroo tour, which is where you get guided around Agnes Water and 1770 on 'Choppers', and have to wear leather jackets and fake tattoos so we look like proper bikers!!

It was really fun, took a little while to get the hang of it as my first instinct was to keep putting my right foot on the ground to stop, instead of pressing the brake! First we all had to drive round a practice track to get used to the bikes before we started the actual tour. After that we drove single file around the streets of Agnes Water and 1770, stopping occasionally to spot wild kangaroos and take photos! At the end of the tour we drove to 1770 to watch the sunset - it was beautiful! 

That evening me and a couple of girls from my dorm just sat round in the hostel, finished off our cider and chatted to some of the other people staying there. I also decided to book a surf lesson for the next day as Agnes Water is the last place on the East Coast you can go surfing because there are no waves further north because of the Great Barrier Reef. The surf lessons are also really cheap! I paid $17 for a 3 hour lesson, and in most places its about $60 for 2 hours!
It was actually a really good lesson! Wasn't sure what to expect because it was so cheap - the only difference between this and other lessons I've had was that there were more people in this group. But it didn't matter as we all still got plenty of 1 on 1 help from the instructors! I managed to stand up most times I caught a wave which I was happy about! It was definitely an improvement on my last attempt at surfing in Noosa!

After the surf lesson I went back to the hostel, had lunch, showered and got my stuff ready to leave the next morning as I was due to catch the 7am bus to Kroombit Cattle Station!

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