Thursday 3 November 2011

Airlie Beach & The Whitsundays

Managed to sleep for quite a lot of the 11 hour journey to Airlie Beach. We got there at about 6pm and checked into Base hostel.
Our Oz Experience bus driver booked a table at the Down Under Bar so we could all meet up for drinks that night, my quiz team also claimed our free jug of cider! After a few drinks there we moved on to a club called Mama Africa. It was ok but a bit expensive!
The next day was raining :( so all I did was head out at 2pm to check in for my Whitsundays boat trip which was the following day (21st-23rd Oct).

It was still raining the next morning which was annoying! Got on the Boomerang sailing yacht just after lunch and we were given a massive platter of fruit to eat! I decided to take sea sickness prevention tablets, I'm glad I did because the sea was pretty rough! We were introduced to our captain, Cane, and the other 2 crew members, Ash and Justin.

It rained throughout the whole first sail so we all got drenched. We looked funny though all sat at the side of the boat with yellow waterproof jackets on! It eventually stopped raining at our first location where we went snorkeling! It was really good, the reef was really high up so we could see the coral and lots of fish. I saw a lot of Dorys from Finding Nemo!!
Back on the boat we had a massive bowl of Nachos waiting for us - yum! There will be a lot of food mentions in this post because the food on the Whitsundays trip was amazing! We just chilled out on the boat for the rest of the evening and Justin made us more amazing food for tea! Barbequed chicken, Thai curry sauce, rice and loads of salad.

The next day the sun was shining :) After breakfast we went for a snorkel which was even better than the day before as the visibility was a lot better. Had another fruit platter then BBQ sausages with salad, potato salad, pasta and fresh bread for lunch! After lunch we sailed to Whitehaven Beach - one of the 5th best beaches in the world! You could really see why! It was gorgeous. We walked round and lay on a beach for an hour or so, seeing some stingrays in the clear shallow water, before walking up to a lookout point with amazing views of the beach. 

More food now! We had a bit platter with olives, cheese, biscuits, sausage and sticks of pepper and carrot with a couple of dips. It was yum! Then we had a big spag bol for tea!
Our last and final day was just the long sail back to Airlie Beach. It was a lovely sunny day though, and I got to have a go at steering the boat! The sail was really fun, the boat tilted quite a lot so we all had to sit on the same side.

It was a really good trip, very hands on with the sailing, great food, fun snorkeling and an amazing beach! The only downside was that I expected to see more of the other islands. But it was still really fun!
We got back to Airlie Beach at about midday, so I went and checked back into Base to shower etc before meeting people from the boat for food and to watch the rugby final! Only 3 of us showed up though! Never mind. 

I had a couple more days in Airlie Beach just chilling out in the sun which was nice, I read a lot of my book which I hadn't had chance to do for ages! After a relaxing few days I was up bright at early for the 7am bus to Townsville on 26th October!

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