Monday 9 May 2011


My OzIntro week has now come to an end. It's been such a fun week and I'd recommend OzIntro to anyone backpacking Australia on their own. I met lots of nice people and I've done quite a few things I wouldn't have done on my own.

Monday 2nd May
Met the rest of the OzIntro group that morning as they all checked in to the hostel. At about 12pm we all got picked up in the OzIntro bus for a city orientation. We parked up in the Botanic Gardens and took some group photos in front of the Opera House and Harbour Bridge. We then walked through the gardens and saw some interesting birds and bats in the trees!

Next was Jet Boating on Sydney Harbour! It was so much fun! The boat did 360 degree turns and we all got soaked! 

After a quick change into some dry clothes back at the hostel we went out for a group meal at Five O's. OzIntro gave us a VIP card so we can get a main meal, side and drink for $10 which is pretty good. 
We also got a voucher for 2 free drinks at the Palace bar so that was our next stop! I had my 2 free glasses of wine, then a few more! After the bar we decided to try the legendary 'goon' (cheap boxed wine) I've heard so much about. Needless to say it wasn't good! It ended up being a pretty drunken night!!

Tuesday 3rd May
The next day I woke up with a bit of a sore head! In the morning we headed into the city to sort out our bank accounts and medicare. After a tasty lunch at Darling Harbour we went to Sydney Aquarium which was actually better than I expected! I found Nemo! Also in the shark section there was a map showing Sydney Harbour and how many sharks are swimming around during the year - it's pretty scary!

Went for a quick drink after the Aquarium then headed back to the hostel to get ready for a night out at The Gaff - a backpacker bar & club. I didn't drink too much because I still felt a bit hungover from the night before! It was still a crazy night though, never been to a bar like it! There were many inappropriate competitions to win trips up the coast, like wet tshirt contests... I didn't enter, but one girl in our group did! It was mad.

Wednesday 4th May
Surf day! Probably my favourite day of OzIntro! We got picked up at about 10am and had an hours drive to Cronulla Beach. It was a nice quiet beach with small waves - perfect for beginners! The two instructers were stereotypical Aussie surfer dudes! 
We started off with a lesson out of the water. We were told how to hold the surfboard and how to catch a wave. To start you have to lie on the board but not put too much weight on the front otherwise you will 'nose dive' (kind of like going over the handlebars on a bike!). We were then told about the 3 steps we should take to stand on the board. First was to lie on the board with our toes tucked round the end of the board to hold us in place, second was to push up and stick our bums in the air and put our toes back onto the board, then third was to put our back foot in place first, then slowly stand up! Easy! Well, on the sand it was!

After a few trys out of the water, it was time to brave the waves!

I couldn't believe how tiring it was! After quite a few tumbles, I eventually managed to stand up and ride a wave! Sweet dude! After a few more attempts we stopped for lunch then quickly got back in the sea for more surfing fun! Managed to stand up a few more times before heading back to the hostel.
Definitely the best day!

Thursday 5th May
After a crazy day of surfing we had an easy morning as it was time for a travel talk! We got to the OzIntro office at about 9.30am and Nicola, our group leader told us all about some of the amazing things we can do here in Australia!
After the talk we got on the bus to Bondi Beach! We lazed around there for an hour or so before starting the Bondi to Coogee coastal walk. It wasn't too far a walk but the scenery was beautiful. 

Then when we got to Clovelly beach we had a BBQ waiting for us! Yum! After food and some games of beach volleyball (I only joined in for the last game as volleyball isn't my strong point!) we went back to the hostel. Had a quiet night in and watched a bit of Despicable Me before falling asleep!

Friday 6th May
Another amazing day! Early start though as we got picked up at 6:45am for our trip to the Blue Mountains! Smokey, our guide picked us up and we began the 2 hour drive where he told us a bit of Australian history. I didn't realise how horrible the Aboriginals were treated! Apparently when Australia was first discovered many aboriginals were killed and driven out of their homes. Our first stop was to find some wild kangaroos! We managed to find a family of 3! It was amazing to see kangaroos in the wild as I've only ever seen them in the zoo. Our guide also found it necessary to fish around in the bark of a tree and showed us a Huntsman Spider. Yuck! It was huge and horrible, but fortunately not one of the deadly ones.

Next we stopped in a small town to get some breakfast before setting off again! It was crazy how beautiful the scenery was when we were so close to the busy city. We set off walking to see a waterfall, our guide seemed to know everything about everything and he told us all about some of the plants. One plant he made us smell, and we had to guess what it was - I correctly guessed tea tree (are you proud of me Mum?!) We also saw some crazy plant that inspired the invention of velcro as the plants hooked together in the same way!
We eventually got to the waterfall after walking down LOADS of steps, it was pretty impressive! 

Then we were told we had to climb all the way back up to have lunch! Our already aching muscles from surfing were exercised even more!
After a nice lunch (ham and cheese salad rolls and pasta) we headed over to the famous Three Sisters. They were a bit smaller than I expected but impressive all the same.

We had to walk down lots of steps again but luckily we didn't have to walk back up as we were going on the Katoomba Scenic Railway - the world's steepest railway! And it was VERY steep! It was fun though, and much better than climbing back up all those steps!

We got back to the hostel at about 7.30. Made some tea then went for a quick drink!

Saturday 7th May
Happy Birthday Becca!!
On Saturday we had a free day apart from our travel appointments with Nicola and the Party Bus in the evening!
A few of us went in to Sydney centre to get our fancy dress for the night ahead. Our theme was ravers! So we got some paints, highlighters, glow sticks and hairspray! I got a white vest top which I decorated with the paint and highlighters!
When I got back from Sydney it was time for my travel appointment where I planned my East Coast adventure! So in the next couple of months I'll be heading up the coast on the OzExperience bus. My first stop is Spot X surf camp where I'll be spending 3 nights and spending the whole time surfing! Next is Byron Bay, Surfers Paradise, then Brisbane where I may stop and work for a while to save some more money! Between Brisbane and Cairns are some very exciting trips like Fraser Island and the Whitsundays! I'll also be doing a skydive over Mission Beach and white water rafting! Once I get to Cairns I'm going to go to Cape Tribulation for a night and do Jungle Surfing! Can't wait!
In the evening was a big night out on the Oz Party Bus! It was the craziest thing ever! Loud music, disco lights and one rule - no sitting down! We got picked up quite early and headed into Sydney! 

Our first stop was a bar in Darling Harbour, it was quite a sophisticated place with people dressed up having a quiet drink, then we arrived in our raver clothes! With the Oz Party Bus we got a free drink in each bar! After Darling Harbour we got back on the bus and danced our way to Scary Canary, another backpacker bar! The other bars we went to were Scubar, Sidebar then finally The Gaff! We were all out til about 5am so it was a pretty mad night!

Sunday 8th May
Woke up at about 11.30 with no hangover thank goodness! Lazed around most of the day then went up the Sydney Tower in the evening for our farewell meal. It was a revolving restaurant with an all you can eat buffet, including crocodile, emu and kangaroo! I tried them all and I think kangaroo is my favourite! Also had lots of prawns and calamari! Nicola our leader made a little farewell speech before we headed back to Coogee for a final drink as a group.
We then went back to the hostel to pack as we were checking out of the hostel the next morning.

Monday 9th May (Today!)
I'm now sitting in the OzIntro office waiting for my vouchers for my East Coast travels, then I'm moving to Base hostel in the city centre for 4 nights before heading up to Spot X!
I'll try and do a quick update on here before I head up the coast.
Had such a good week!


  1. i love the sentence "our guide found it necessary to fish around in the bark of a tree"! So true! It made me laugh!!

  2. WOW. Sounds like you had a great week.Hope the next leg of the adventure is as good.

  3. Hiya, do you still use this, how much do you reckon you spent in your ozintro week as I'm doing it in September ad this was really good to read

  4. i'm planning on doing this in September 2013. I want to stay in Australia for a year working. How much money do i need for this whole trip?

  5. hey.
    i think i saved up around $5000 before i got to australia, but that didn't last very long! you need to budget around $1500 per month. the wages are pretty good here so once you get a job its easy to save money :)
