Saturday 14 January 2012

More Melbourne!

Haven't updated this for ages! Happy New Year!!

So last time I wrote on here I'd just got the job at Little Cupcakes, so nothing overly exciting happened between then and Christmas, but here are a couple of notable things!

More Neighbours stalking! When I went to Neighbours Night with my sister, Dr Karl promised to play a song I requested if I went to the night 2 weeks later. Luckily I met a girl in my hostel called Faye who wanted to go too. So I went to Neighbours Night again and met my good friend Dr Karl once again! I also met Steph Scully and Mike Williams so that was pretty good! And as promised, my song got played!! And he also came up to me and was singing at me which was funny! He also said I knew the words better than him.. not sure if that's something to be proud of! Ha! But it was a good night anyway!

These were not the final Neighbours characters I was to meet over the following few weeks! I went to see the Christmas lights being switched on in the centre of Melbourne, and who was there promoting a Children's charity... Toadie!! So I had a quick chat and a photo with him which was really cool as he's one of the best Neighbours characters!

As it got closer to Christmas I decided I wanted to get into the Christmas spirit, and what better way to do so than go to the Christmas Neighbours Night! It was such a fun night, there were quite a few cast members there including Sky Mangel, Stingray (who actually recognised me from the night with my sister!), Dylan (who liked my glasses), Irish Connor, Paul Robinson and of course Dr Karl himself! One of his other bands called Ubersavvy also played, they were pretty cool. They also had some Christmas songs which was fun!

I also found time to pay a quick visit to Ramsay Street and the Lassiters Complex, though unfortunately I didn't meet any of the cast!

Anyway, that's enough Neighbours for now! A girl I met on OzIntro came to Melbourne for a while and we discovered a really cool bar called the Croft Institute. It's themed like a science lab and you get drink shots out of test tubes and cocktails from syringes! It was a fun experience anyway! 

Another exciting thing was that the first ever Topshop in Australia opened at the beginning of December in Melbourne, so had to pay that a visit! Also did a few other Christmassy things like had a work party with a secret santa which was nice - so I actually got a Christmas present which I wasn't expecting. Finally, I managed to find somewhere to live from the beginning of January so I didn't have to stay in the hostel when I returned from Sydney! It's on King Street so really central, about a 5 minute walk to work, and I have my own room!!

That's about everything worth mentioning I think! Wasn't the most eventful few weeks as I was trying to save up to go to Sydney for Christmas and New Year!

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