Wednesday 11 April 2012

Back to the UK!

Wow, haven't updated my blog for ages! Started writing a little something at Melbourne airport last week so I'll copy and paste that to begin with!

"So here I am once again waiting to begin a 25 hour flight, though this time in the opposite direction! Definitely doesn’t seem like close to a year since I was at the airport sat at the gate staring out the window at a HUGE Qantas plane.

So much has happened in the last few months. Well, not loads, but I made the big decision to use my second year visa straight away. So although it feels very strange to be going back to the UK, it’s nice to think that in 3 weeks time I’ll be back in my flat in Melbourne. Though I really can’t wait to see people back home!

I made the decision because I have loved all my time in Australia, especially Melbourne, and I feel so at home and settled here, and definitely not ready to leave. Even leaving for 3 weeks makes me feel like I’m going to miss out on something exciting in Melbourne, there’s always something cool going on like a random festival or even just a fun night out with my friends!
Luckily I’ve managed to secure my job at the cupcake shop and will be working there until the end of October, as you can work for the same company for another 6 months in your 2nd year visa. So the plan is to save up as much as possible, then begin my travels once again and probably go over to Western Australia. That’s about as far as my plans go. I’m just going to see what happens!

There’s no free internet at Melbourne airport so I probably won’t actually post this til I get home!"

So that's what I wrote at the airport. I've been back in North Wales for about a week and a half now, but in just over a week I'll be heading back to Australia! Not really got much to say about my last few months in Melbourne. It's mainly just involved working and going out with friends! Doesn't really feel like I'm on holiday over there now, just feels like home! Actually felt like coming back to the UK was a holiday as it's three weeks off work!

I've managed to fit quite a lot in so far while I've been at home. In the first week I managed to go to the hairdressers, the doctors and the dentist. Went over to Yorkshire to see my Dad and his side of the family. It was nice to see them though I was still a bit jetlagged so was really tired after the drive! It was so weird though, on the way there I actually drove through some snow - something I wasn't expecting to see in April! I've also seen a lot of the family here in North Wales, and caught up with a few friends! 
Although it's nice to come back here and see people, it really has confirmed that I made the right decision to stay in Australia for another year. The thought of actually staying here and having to find a job etc is not something I want to do anytime soon, if ever!

Got a few more things planned while I'm home, going shopping to Chester with my mum tomorrow. Meeting up with a few friends and going on a night out with my sister at the weekend! So still got a few things to look forward to. Then it's back to Melbourne to start my 2nd year in Australia!! So hopefully lots more adventures for me! I'll try and keep my blog updated as much as I can!